Big statement

Our big statement section in one of the sections with images and text that can be used to disaply your bold announcement. This section has multiple settings that can completly change its apparance.

Section settings

You can set the section size as a container or full width, you can modify the content alignment on both desktop and mobile,

You can enable or disable the animation that moves the images on scroll, and you can set a new color scheme for the section.

And you can adapt the section paddings top and bottom paddings on both desktop and mobile

Block settings

Each block represents content that can be added to the section. You can add the following blocks:

Each of them has different settings that change the display of the content.

For the supratitle you can set the text and choose if you want the text to be uppercased

For the image you can change the aspect ratio or even shape.

You can change the image position top, center or bottom or even if you wan the image to be above or below the text on small screens.


For the statement, you can update the text, text style, and size.

In the button block settings, you can have the button label changed, the link, and the option to open the link in a new tab and change the button type

The description block only has a setting that lets you add your custom text.

You can change the position of the blocks by dragging them below and above.

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